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Insurance Technology Resources

Insurance e-Signature Options: How to Achieve Superior Return on Investment White Paper
The market for electronic signatures is growing, and companies have multiple electronic signature providers to choose from. Learn how to compare providers, where hidden fees are located and considerations for selection. A complimentary cost comparison checklist is included.

How Insurers Can Compete When Insurance is Sold Everywhere White Paper
Carrier executives are facing new challenges with the entrance of Amazon, Tesla, and Walmart into insurance arena. What does that mean for current insurance providers? Take a deeper dive to explore how insurers can implement new sales methods today to gain the competitive edge in our revolving marketplace.

How to Survive, Thrive and Grow in a Digitally Driven Market White Paper
If Your Plans for the Future Include Direct-to-Consumer Sales, Download the D2C Blueprint! This is the only report of its kind in the industry. Do not take another step toward D2C implementation without first reading this vital information.

D2C Blueprint
If Your Plans for the Future Include Direct-to-Consumer Sales, Download the D2C Blueprint! This is the only report of its kind in the industry. Do not take another step toward D2C implementation without first reading this vital information.

11 Emerging Auto Insurance Trends White Paper
Millennials. Chatbots. Direct-to-Consumer Sales. Mobile. Telematics. Autonomous Cars. Is your company ready to take on all the emerging trends and models? Discover a few emerging trends that may shape your future.